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Russia - Ukraine Conflict explained

Russia - Ukraine Conflict 

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a state of war that started in 2014 and escalated in 2022. Here are some key points to understand the situation:

- The conflict has its roots in the end of the Cold War and the expansion of NATO. Russia sees Ukraine as historically part of its sphere of influence and opposes its integration with the West.

- In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine and supported a separatist rebellion in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, known as Donbas. More than 14,000 people have died in the war since then.

- In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine across a broad front, using air strikes, missile attacks, tanks and troops. It claimed to be defending the Russian-speaking population in Donbas and to be demilitarizing and de-Nazifying Ukraine.

- Ukraine has resisted the Russian aggression with the support of its allies, especially the US and the EU. It has declared martial law and mobilized its armed forces.

- The invasion has caused a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with hundreds of casualties, thousands of displaced people and widespread damage to infrastructure. Many people have fled their homes or sought shelter in underground bunkers.

- The conflict poses a serious threat to global security and stability, as it risks triggering a wider confrontation between Russia and NATO. The US and the EU have condemned Russia's actions and imposed sanctions but have ruled out military intervention.

- The UN Security Council has held several emergency meetings to discuss the crisis but has failed to adopt a resolution due to Russia's veto power. The US and its allies have called for a diplomatic solution based on respect for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

- The conflict is also affecting the energy market, as Russia is a major supplier of natural gas to Europe. Some European countries have reported disruptions or reductions in gas flows from Russia, while others have increased their imports from alternative sources.

- The conflict has sparked protests and solidarity movements around the world, with people expressing their support for Ukraine or their opposition to Russia's aggression. Some celebrities, such as Tom Cruise and Elton John, have also voiced their opinions on the issue.

- The conflict is still ongoing and unpredictable, as both sides have shown no signs of backing down or compromising. The international community is trying to find ways to de-escalate the situation and prevent further escalation.


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